Lions and tigers and Christmas gifts, oh my! Do you enjoy Christmas shopping? Well, good for you, if you do. I most emphatically DO NOT. Ironically, I like to shop for birthday gifts and for other random occasions that occur in my life and I think I’m pretty good at choosing presents. At least that’s what I’ve been told by numerous people, most of whom are related to me and determined to be kind. I can’t imagine who wouldn’t love an automatic foot washer or their own personal carpet scrubber, right? I am the person who bought family members the Pet Rock back in the 70’s, and if memory serves, all the Chia Pets at CVS.
My problem with Christmas gifts: the pressure. The need to buy something for Uncle Ralph, when I haven’t seen him in years and have no idea of his size or hobbies. Even people I see regularly create shopping dilemmas. What’s the latest gadget that everyone needs in their kitchen? Or the techie gizmo that every grandkid can’t live without?? So here’s my solution. I shop throughout the year and buy when I see something PERFECT for that special someone in my life. Then I bring it home, stash it and forget all about it, typical Old Schooler.
My dear sister-in-law, who sends her gifts very early, knows my problem. So we’ve established this system. When she sends her gifts, I tell her where I’m stashing them. When it’s time to wrap them, I email her for guidance. And she obliges: “The thingamabob’s in your closet, behind your bowling ball.” Problem solved.
But what about the things I buy? Then it gets tricky. I often not only forget where they are; I forget I bought them altogether and buy another “something” which I promptly lose. On most Christmas mornings at our house, after everyone has opened their gifts, I’m pleading, “Wait, wait! There’s something else!” And I’m pawing frantically through closets, drawers, and under the bed for that “perfect gift” I bought in July. When we spend Christmas in our condo, it gets easier—fewer places to hide things.
So, when you’re told not to look a gift horse in the mouth, I say “Ask the horse where I hid the presents!”